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1   A  B  C   D  E  F  G   H  I  J  K   L  M  N  O   P  Q  R  S   T  U  V  W   X  Y  Z

Zahlen und Symbole

000-999+ Used to number old (backup) versions of files (for
000-999+ example, CONFIG.SYS when changed by an installation
000-999+ program); also used to number related data files for
000-999+ multiple users of a small-scale PC application
10o Embroidery machines graphics file - Toyota (binary)
12M Lotus 123 97 Smartmaster file
123 Lotus 123 97 file
2GR VGA Graphics driver/configuration files under Windows (binary)
3GR VGA Graphics driver/configuration files under Windows (binary)
3DM 3D NURBS modeler, Rhino ?????
3DS A file in 3D Studio (for DOS) format
386 A file for use in an 80386 or higher microprocessor
4GE Informix 4GL compiled code
4GL Informix 4GL source code
669 Composer 669, Unis Composer music mod file
669 669 tracker module ?????
$$$ Used by OS/2 to keep track of archived files
@@@ + Screen files used in the installation and instruction
@@@ + on use of such applications as M$ Codeview for C


A86 A86 assembly source shareware compiler
A +ADA source code
A +Object code library
A +Assembly programming source code
AAM Authorware shocked file
AAS Authorware shocked packet
ABC Micrografx ABC Flowcharter
ABF Adobe Binary Screen Font
ABK CorelDRAW automatic backup
ABM PhotoPlus album
ABS Abscissa data
ACB ACMB graphic
ACE + Compression file format associated with a
ACE + program called The Ace Archiver (binary)
ACL +Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator
ACL +Axialis Cursor Library
ACM +Used by Windows in the system directory
ACP M$ Office Assistant Preview file
ACR +ACR-NEMA medical image file
ACR +American College of Radiology file format
ACT +M$ Office Assistant Actor source code file
ACT +Parson's Announcements file (binary)
ACV OS/2 drivers that compress and decompress audio data
AD After Dark screen saver data
ADA Ada source text (non-GNAT) (ASCII)
ADB Ada source text body (GNAT) (ASCII)
ADB Appointment database used by HP 100LX organizer
ADD OS/2 adapter drivers used in the boot process
ADF Amiga Disk File
ADF ARC data file
ADI AutoCAD Device-Independent binary plotter image format
ADL QEMM MCA adapter description library
ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver
ADN Lotus 1-2-3 add-in
ADP +Astound Dynamite file
ADP +Used by FaxWorks to do setup for fax modem interaction
ADR After Dark Randomizer screensaver
ADS Ada source text specification (GNAT) (ASCII)
ADT AdTech Fax document
ADX Archetype Designer document
AFM +used for storing readable fonts
AFT Micrografx ABC Flowcharter template
AFW Micrografx ABC Flowcharter working file
AF2 Micrografx ABC Flowcharter 2
AF3 Micrografx ABC Flowcharter 3
AFM Adobe Font Metrics Format (Ray Trace)
AGA Agenda File
AGF Atlas geodata (GIS) file
AI Adobe Illustrator drawing
AIF + Audio Interchange File, a sound format used by
AIF + Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications (binary)
AIFC Similar to AIF (compressed) (binary)
AIFF + Audio Interchange File, a sound format used by
AIFF + Silicon Graphics and Macintosh applications (binary)
AIFF + Similar to AIF (binary)
AIM AOL Instant Messenger Launch
AIS +ACDSee Image Sequence file
AIS +Velvet Studio Instruments
AIS +Xerox Array of Intensity Samples graphic
AKW + Contains all A-keywords in the RoboHELP Help
AKW + project Index Designer not associated with topics
AL A-law sound file
ALAW European telephony format audio
ALB JASC Image Commander album
ALD Aldus Pagemaker file
ALL Arts & Letters Library
AMF Advanced Module Format sound file
AMS +Velvert Studio music module (MOD) file
AMS +Extreme's Tracker module format
ANC + Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is
ANC + a selectable list of pattern colors
ANI Animated Cursor
ANM +DeluxePaint animation
ANM +Lucas Arts animation
ANN Windows Help annotation
ANS +ANSI character animation
ANT saved game file in the original SimAnt for Windows
APD Aldus printer file
API Application Program Interface file; used by Adobe Acrobat
APP +Gem application
APP +Symphony add in application
APP +dBase Application Generator object file
APP +DR-DOS executable application
APP +Atari executable application
APP +FoxPro generated application
APR +Lotus Approach 97 file
APR +ArcView project file
APS M$ Visual C++ file
APX Borland C++ 4.5 Appexpert database
ARC Lempel-Ziv-Huffman (old version) compressed archive (binary)
ARI Aristotle audio file
ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive (binary)
ARS WordPerfect audio resource file
ART + Used by AOL to designate files compressed using
ART + the Johson-Grace compression algorithm (binary)
ART +Another Ray Tracer format
ART +Ashton-Tate Byline graphic
ART +Canon Crayola art file (binary)
ART +Clip Art file format
ART +Crayola Art graphic
ART +PFS First Publisher graphic
ART +VORT (Unix) ART ray tracer graphic
ART +Xara Studio drawing
ASA M$ Visual InterDev file
ASC +American Standard Code for Information (ASCII)
ASC + Exchange file. An unformatted text file. Also
ASC + known as plain text, vanilla text, or flat text
ASC +PGP armored encrypted file
ASD +Astound presentation
ASD +WinWord AutoSave
ASE Velvet Studio sample
ASF +M$ Advanced Streaming Format file
ASF +Active Streaming Format
ASH TASM 3.0 assembly language header file
ASI +Turbo C assembler include file
ASI +Borland C++ assembler include file
ASM Assembler language source file (uncompiled)
ASO +Astound Dynamite Objects
ASO +TASM object file
ASP +Association of Shareware Professionals Ombudsman notice
ASP +HTML Script
ASP +Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a M$
ASP + server-processed script) (ASCII)
ASP +Procomm Plus setup and connection script (ASCII)
ASP +Astound Presentation file
ASX Active Streaming Format
AST +Astound multimedia file
AST +Claris Works "assistant" file
ASV DataCAD Autosave file
ASX +Cheyenne Backup script (ASCII)
ASX +M$ Advanced Streaming Redirector file
ASX +Video file
ATT AT&T Group 4 bitmap (binary)
AU +æ-law (mu-law) audio file Originally a UNIX format
AU +Sun/NeXT/DEC/(UNIX) sound file
AUX Generic auxiliary file; reserved word in DOS
AVB Inculan Anti-Virus virus infected file
AVD Avery LabelPro ListManager Data file
AVI M$ Audio Video Interleaved file format for Windows movie
AVR Audio Visual Research file format
AVS + Digital Video Interactive (.dvi) file
AVX ArcView Extension file
AW HP AdvanceWrite text
AWD Fax Viewer document
AWK +(FROM AUTOSPELL no identification)
AWK +UNIX parsing program
AWR Telsis file extension format for digitally stored audio.
AWM Animation Works movie
AXD Avery LabelPro ListManager Data file
AXX + ARJ compressed files from a multi-volume archive
AXX + (XX = a number from 01 to 99) (binary)
A3M unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file
A4M unpackaged Authorware MacIntosh file
A4P Authorware file packaged without runtime
A3W unpackaged Authorware windows file
A4W unpackaged Authorware windows file
A5W unpackaged Authorware windows file


B BASIC source code. Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file
B64 Mime Base 64 coded file
BAK +Backup file. This extension is given to files when they
BAK + are replaced with another file with the same name.
BAS +Executable text file in BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic
BAS + Instruction Code) for the Basic language interpreter.
BAR +Unix BAR archive file
BAR +dBase horizontal bar menu object
BAT Executable Batch file (ASCII). Text file of commands to DOS.
BB Papyrus database backup
BBL TeX or BibTeX bibliography
BBM Deluxe Paint brush file
BBS Bulletin board system text file
BCH dBase Batch process object
BCP Borland C++ makefile
BBX Boom Box for Windows
BCK VMS/VAX backup
BCM M$ Works 4.0 Communication
BCW Borland C++ workspace settings
BDB M$ Works 4.0 database
BDF +Adobe Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format file
BDF +West Point Bridge Designer program
BDR MS Publisher border
BFC Windows 95 Briefcase document
BFX BitFax Pro ViewFax
BG Backgammon for Windows game
BGA OS/2 bitmapped graphic
BGI Borland Graphics Interface, A graphics program file
BGL + from M$ concerning scenery files from the
BGL + well known Flight Simulator
BI Binary file (binary)
BIB +BibTeX bibliography source
BIB +ASCII bibliography
BID Parson's Announcements file (binary)
BIF +Binary Image Format (Graphics)
BIF +WordPerfect initialization file
BIF +GroupWise initialization file
BIFF XLITE 3D file format
BIG Text file created from other text files (ASCII) (tgs)
BIL File Band Interleaved by Line (Graphic)
BIN Binary file (binary)
BIN Macbinary II encoded file
BIP File Band Interleaved by Pixel (graphic)
BIT +Bitmap graphic
BIT +ASCII text file, fragment of larger file(s)
BK JetFax Faxbook; sometimes backup version
BK! WordPerfect backup
BK$ Sometimes used to denote backup versions
BKP Backup file (various)
BKS +An IBM BookManager Read bookshelf
BKS +M$ Works 4.0 Sheet or Chart
BKX Backup file where X = 1 to 9
BLG BibTeX log
BM1 Apogee BioMenace data file (binary)
BMF Corel! image similar to bmp
BMK +A bookmark file (ASCII)
BMK +CNM Bookmark Collection (content type MIME)
BMK +Windows Help bookmark
BMP Windows or OS/2 bitmapped graphics file (binary)
BNK +Adlib instrument bank
BNK +step-processed ASCII file
BOO Kermit bootstrap protocol binary file
BOOK Adobe FrameMaker Book
BOX A mailbox in Notes
BPL Borland Delphi 4 packed library (binary)
BQY BrioQuery file
BPS M$ Works 4.0 Document
BRX A file for browsing an index of multimedia options
BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file
BS_ M$ Bookshelf Find Menu shell extension
BSA BSARC file archive
BSC MS Developer Studio (MSDev) browser information file
BSP Quake map
BSQ Band Sequential Graphic file
BST BibTeX bibliography style
BTM Batch file used by Norton Utilities
BTN Parson's Announcements file (binary)
BUD Backup disk for Quicken
BUN CakeWalk Audio Bundle file (a MIDI program)
B_W Atari black and white graphic
BW Silicon Graphics Inc Black and White image file
BYU A file in a Movie BYU format


C C code (source file)
C01 Typhoon wave files ?????
CAB + M$ cabinet file (program files compressed
CAB + for software distribution) (binary)
CAD used by the drafting program "Drafix Cad">by Softdesk
CAL +CALS Compressed Bitmap (binary)
CAL +Calendar schedule data
CAM Casio camera format
CAP Compressed music file format (binary)
CAR Announcements document file (card) ?????
CAS Comma-delimited ASCII file
CAT IntelliCharge categorization file used by Quicken
CB M$ clean boot file
CBI Column binary formatted file (used in IBM mainframe systems)
CCA cc:mail ?????
CCB Visual Basic Animated Button configuration
CCF Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2
CCH Corel Chart
CCM Lotus CC:Mail "box" (for example, INBOX.CCM)
CCO CyberChat data file
CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave cast
CDA CDDA Audio Track File
CDB CardBase Document
CDF +M$ Channel Definition Format file (ASCII)
CDF +Document (Content type MIME)
CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive format
CDP ColorDesk image
CDR CorelDraw drawing (graphics) (binary)
CDR Raw Audio-CD data
CDT Corel Draw template
CDX +Corel Draw compressed drawing (binary)
CDX +M$'s Visual Foxpro Index
CDX +CardBase import/export file
CEL CIMFast Event Language file
CER Certificate file (MIME x-x509-ca-cert)
CFB Compton's Multimedia file
CFG Configuration file
CFM Cold Fusion template files
CGI Common Gateway Interface script file (ASCII)
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile (binary)
CH OS/2 configuration file
CHK File fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk
CHM Compiled HTML file
CHR Character Sets (Font files)
CHP Ventura Publisher chapter
CHT +ChartViewer file
CHT +Harvard Graphics vector file (binary)
CIL Clip Gallery download package
CIM Sim City 200 file
CIN OS/2 change control file that tracks changes to an INI file
CK# iD/Apogee Commander Keen # (where # is a number) data file
CLASSJava class
CLL Crick Software Clicker File
CLP Windows Clipboard file ?????
CLS Visual Basic Class Module
CMD +Command file for Windows NT (similar to a DOS .BAT file), OS/2
CMD +DOS CP/M command file
CMD +dBase-II program file
CMF Corel Metafile
CMP +JPEG Bitmap (binary)
CMP +Address document
CMV Corel Move animation
CMX Corel Presentation Exchange image
CNF + Configuration file used by Telnet, Windows,
CNF + and other applications with varying internal formats
CNM Windows application menu options and setup file
CNQ Compuworks Design Shop file
CNT + Windows (or other) system content files for the
CNT + help index and other purposes
COB trueSpace2 object
COD + M$ C compiler output as displayable machine
COD + language/assembler with original C as comments
COM Command file (binary) (Executable)
CPD +Corel PrintOffice file (drawing)
CPD +Fax Cover document
CPE Fax Cover document
CPI M$ MS-DOS code page information file
CPL +Control Panel extension
CPL +Corel color palette
CPO Corel Print House file
CPP C++ code
CPR Corel Presents Presentation
CPT Corel Photo-Paint image
CPT EconoWatch Document
CPX Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed drawing (binary)
CR1 EconoWatch Document
CRD Cardfile file
CRP Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation
CRT Internet Security Certificate
CSC Corel Script (ASCII)
CSP PC Emcee On-Screen image
CSS Cascading Style Sheet file (ASCII)
CST +Macromedia Director "Cast" (resource) file
CST +Cost module
CSV Comma-separated values file, DOS or Win
CT Scitex CT Bitmap (binary)
CT + A graphic file associated with the Paint Shop Pro Graphic
CT + Editor Used in general to mean a file containing
CT + control information.
CTL + FAXWorks uses it to keep information about each
CTL + fax sent and received.
CTL Control data file (tgs)
CTR Comm Term Document (Content type MIME)
CUE M$ Cue Cards data
CUR Windows Cursor
CUT Dr Halo bitmap (graphics) (binary)
CV Corel Versions archive (binary)
CV M$ CodeView information screen
CWK Claris Works data file
CWL Claris Works file
CWS Claris Works template
CXT + Macromedia Director protected (not editable)
CXT + "Cast" (resource) file
CXX C++ source code file


DAT +Data file, "catchall" file, (ASCII/Binary)
DAT +WordPerfect Merge Data
DAT +Extension used for some MPEG formats
DB +Borderland's Paradox 7 tables
DB +Paradox List
DBC M$'s Visual Foxpro Database container
DBF Aston-Tate dBase database
DBX +DataBeam image
DBX +M$'s Visual Foxpro Table
DCM DCM model format
DCR +Shockwave file
DCR +Macromedia Director Protected Movie (non-editable)
DCS Desktop Color Separation file
DCT M$'s Visual Foxpro Database container
DCU Delphi compiled unit file
DCX +M$'s Visual Foxpro Database container
DCX +Fax image (based on PCX) (binary)
DCX +Macros (X equal number) ?????
DC5 DataCAD Drawing files
DDF BTRIEVE database ?????
DDIF + Digital Equipment or Compaq format. Used for storing
DDIF + images and their word processing documents
DEF +SmartWare II data file
DEF +C++ Definition
DEFI Oracle 7 de-install script (ASCII)
DEM USGS standards for Digital Elevation Models
DEL Has to do with graphics files, eg, BMP files
DER Internet Security Certificate
DEWF Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recorded instrument format
DGN Microstation95 CAD drawing file
DIB Device-Independent Bitmap (graphics) (binary)
DIC Dictionary (binary or ASCII)
DIF Data Interchange Format spreadsheet
DIG +Digilink format
DIG +Sound Designer I audio file
DIR +Macromedia Director movie
DIR +Directory text file (tgs) (ASCII)
DIZ Description file (text file, shareware) (ASCII)
DLG C++ Dialogue Script (ASCII)
DLS DownLoadable Sound
DLL Dynamic-Link Library (binary)
DMF X-Trakker music module (MOD) file
DOC +FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document
DOC +WordStar document
DOC +WordPerfect document
DOC +M$ Word document
DOC +DisplayWrite document
DOT M$ Word document Template
DPL Borland Delphi 3 packed library
DPR Borland Delphi project header file
DRAW Acorn's object-based vector image file
DRV Driver file (binary)
DRW Micrografx Designer/Draw (binary)
DSF Micrografx Designer v7.x
DSG DooM saved game
DSM Dynamic Studio music module file
DSP M$ Developer Studio project
DSQ Corel QUERY file
DST Embroidery machines graphics file - Tajima (binary)
HUS Embroidery machines graphics file - Viking (binary)
DSW M$ Developer Studio workspace
DTD SGML Document Type Definition (DTD) file
DTED Digital terrain elevation data (geographic data format)
DTM DigiTrakker module
DTF Symantec Q&A relational database data file
DUN M$ Dial-up Networking Export file
DV Digital video file (MIME)
DVI Digital Video Interactive file
DWD DiamondWare digitized file
DWG +Autocad Drawing files
DWG +AutoCAD drawing, or older Generic CADD drawing format
DXF + Autodesk Drawing Interchange (eXchange) format,
DXF + a text representation of the binary DWG format (ASCII)
DXF +Data Exchange File
DXR Macromedia Director protected (not editable) movie file


E Eiffel source code
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image
EDD Element Definition Document (FrameMaker+SGML documents)
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image
EDQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image
EFA Ensoniq ASR file
EFE Ensoniq EPS file
EFK Ensoniq KT file
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file
ELA Embroidery machines graphics file - Old (binary)
ELI Encarta Encyclopedia Article List
EMD ABT Extended MoDule
EMF Enhanced Windows Metafile image file (binary)
EML M$ Outlook Express mail message (MIME RFC 822)
ENC Encore file
ENFF Neutral File Format extension
EPHTML Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML
EPS +Encapsulated PostScript image
EPS +TIFF preview file
ER1 ERWin file
ERM CNM EditingRoom Script
ERR + Stores the error messages that result when the
ERR + RoboHELP Help Compiler attempts to compile the
ERR + source files of a Help system
ERX ERWin file ?????
ESPF Encapsulated PostScript Files
ESPS ESPS audio files (binary)
EUI Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image
EVY Envoy document
EWL M$ Encarta document
EXC M$ Word Exclusion Dictionary
EXD ????? (binary)
EXE Executable file (program) (binary)
EXP Embroidery machines graphics file - Melco Expanded (binary)
EYB Encarta Encyclopedia Yearbook File


F2R Farandoyle linear module format
F3R Farandoyle blocked linear module format
F77 FORTRAN 77 file
F90 FORTRAN 90 file
FAR Farandole Composer music module file
FAV M$ Outlook navigation bar
FAX FAX Type image
FBK Navison Financials Backup
FDB Navison Financials Database
FDF Adobe Acrobat Forms Document file
FEM CADRE Finite Element Mesh file
FFA MS fast find file
FFF GUS PnP bank file format
FFL MS fast find file
FFO MS fast find file
FFT Final Form Text (part of IBM's DCA) (ASCII)
FFX MS fast find file
FH3 Aldus Freehand 3 drawing
FIF Fractal image file
FIG A file format used by REND386/AVRIL
FIL ASCII text file (tgs) (ASCII)
FITS +CCD camera image
FITS +Flexible Image Transport System
FLA Macromidia Flash movie
FLC AutoDesk FLIC animation
FLF +Corel Paradox Delived form ?????
FLF +Navison Financials License file
FLI AutoDesk FLIC animation
FLT Corel filter
FLT Parson's Announcements file (binary)
FLF An OS/2 driver file
FLT +StarTrekker music module (MOD) file
FLT +A file format use in MulitGen Inc.'s Open Flight
FM Adobe FrameMaker Document
FMB Oracle binary source code for form, version 4.0 and later
FML File Mirror List (GetRight)
FMS FractMus document (Fractal Music)
FMT +Oracle text format of form, version 4.0 and later
FMT +M$ Schedule+ print file
FMX Oracle executable form, version 4.0 and later
FND M$ Explorer Saved Search file (Find applet)
FNG Font group file (Font Navigator)
FNK FunkTracker module format
FNT Bitmap font file (binary)
FOG Fontographer font
FON System font (Bitmap font file) (binary)
FOT Font-related file
FP FileMaker Pro file
FP1 Flying Pigs for Windows data file
FP3 FileMaker Pro file
FPT FileMaker Pro file
FPT M$ FoxPro memo fields
FPX +FlashPix bitmap Image File (binary)
FPX +M$ Picture It! Picture
FRM +Form template (ASCII)
FRM +FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document
FRM +Oracle executable form version 3.0 and earlier
FRM +Visual Basic form
FRM +WordPerfect Merge form
FRM +Datacad Symbol Report file
FRX +Visual Basic form stash file
FRX +M$ FoxPro report file
FRT M$ FoxPro report file
FSF fPrint Audit Tool file format
FSL Borderland's Paradox 7 forms ?????
FSL Corel Paradox Saved form
FSM Farandoyle Sample format ?????
FT + Lotus Notes Full Text index
FT + Full-text Search Group file resulting from using
FT + Find in the Windows Help system. Can be erased; regenerates
FTG + Full-text Search Group file resulting from using
FTG + Find in the Windows Help system. Can be erased; regenerates
FTS + Full-Text Search index file resulting from using
FTS + Find in the Windows help system
FW2 Framework II
FW3 Framework III file
FW4 Framework IV file
FXP M$ FoxPro compiled source file
FZB Casio FZ-1 Bank dump
FZF Casio FZ-1 Full dump
FZV Casio FZ-1 Voice dump


G721 Raw CCITT G.721 $bit ADPCM format data
G723 Raw CCITT G.723 3 or 5bit ADPCM format data
GAL Corel Multimedia Manager album
GCD +Generic (TM) CADD drawing (later versions)
GCD +Global CD, file containing every single byte from a CD
GCP + Ground Control Point file used in image processing of remote
GCP + sensing data often to form map projections. CHIPS (CopenHagen
GCP + Image Processing System) uses these files.
GDB +InterBase database file
GDB +Parson's Announcements file (binary)
GDM Bells, whistles, and sound boards module format
GED + GEDCOM genealogical data file, a popular format for
GED + recording and exchanging genealogical data (ASCII)
GED +Graphic Environment Document (drawing)
GEM Ventura/GEM metafile (graphics file) (binary)
GEN Ventura-Generated text file (ASCII)
GFC Patton&Patton Flowcharting 4 flowchart file
GFI Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GFX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GID Windows 95 global index file (containing help status)
GIF CompuServe bitmap (binary)
GIM Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GIX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GKH Ensoniq EPS family disk image file
GKS Gravis GripKey document
GL An animation format
GNA Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GNT + Generated Code, an executable code in a
GNT + Micro Focus proprietary format
GNX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GRA M$ Graph 97 chart
GRD + Grid file, used in image processing of remote sensing
GRD + data often to form map projections. CHIPS (CopenHagen
GRD + Image Processing System) uses these files
GRF Grapher (Golden Software) graph file
GRP Program Manager Group
GSM +Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream
GSM +Raw 'byte aligned' GSM 6.10 audio stream
GSM +US Robotics voice modems GSM w.o. header/VoiceGuide/RapidComm
GSM +US Robotics voice modems GSM w. header/QuickLink
GTK Graoumftracker (old) music module (MOD) file
GT2 Graoumftracker (new) music module (MOD) file
GWD Parson's Announcements file (ASCII_)
GWP Greetings Workshop Project file
GWX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GWZ Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation (binary)
GZ (UNIX) Gzip compressed file (binary)


H C program header
HCOM Sound Tools HCOM format
HDF A file in Hierarchical Data Format
HED HighEdit document
HEL M$ Hellbender saved game
HEX Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file
HGL HP Graphics Language drawing (binary)
HH + Map file. Contains topic IDs and map numbers for each
HH + of the topics in a Help system. Allows the running
HH + application to send the user the appropriate
HH + context-sensitive help topic
HLP +Help file
HLP +DataCAD Windows Help file
HOG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file
HPJ Visual Basic Help Project
HPP C++ program header
HQX Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file
HST History file
HT HyperTerminal datafile (binary)
HTA Hypertext Aplication (Executable Script)
HTM Hypertext document (ASCII)
HTML Hypertext document (ASCII)
HTT M$ Hypertext Template (ASCII)
HTX Extended HTML template (ASCII)
HUS Embroidery machines graphics file - Viking (binary)
HXM Descent2 HAM file extension


IBM Data files for "Grandma and Me"
ICA Citrix WinFrame file
ICB Targa bitmap (binary)
ICC Kodak printer format
ICL Icon Library file (industry standard)
ICM Image Color Matching profile file
ICO Windows Icon
IDB MSDev 'intermediate' file
IDD MIDI Instrument Definition
IDF MIDI Instrument Definition (Win95 required file)
IDQ Internet Data Query file
IDX +M$ FoxPro relational database index file
IDX +Symantec Q&A relational database index file
IDX +M$ Outlook Express file
IFF Interchange Format Files, Amiga ILBM (graphics) (binary)
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification file (binary)
IGF Inset Systems metafile
IIF QuickBooks for Windows interchange file
ILBM A bitmap (graphic image) file (binary)
IMA WinImage file (binary)
IMG GEM image (binary)
IN Copy of IN.MBX (Eudora inbound mail box)
INC Assembler language or Active Server include file
INF Information file (ASCII) ?????
INI Initialization file (ASCII)
INI MWave DSP synth's mwsynth.ini GM-setup
INI Gravis UltraSound bank setup
INP Oracle source code for form, version 3.0 and earlier
INRS INRS-Telecommunications audio
INS InstallShield install script (ASCII)
INS Internet Communications setting
INS X-Internet sign-up file
INS Ensoniq EPS family instrument
INS Sample Cell/II MAC/PC instruments
INT + Intermediate Code, an executable code produced when
INT + a source program is syntax-checked
IOF Findit document
IQY M$ Internet Inquiry file
ISO + Lists the files on a CD-ROM; based on the ISO 9660
ISO + CD-ROM file system standard
ISP Internet Communication setting
ISP X-Internet sign-up file
IST Digitaltracker instrument file
ISU InstallShield uninstall script (ASCII)
IT Impulse Tracker music module file (binary)
ITI Impulse Tracker instrument
ITS Impulse Tracker sample
ITS Internet document set (possibly a M$ file)
IV A file format use in Open Inventor
IW Idlewild screensaver


J62 Ricoh camera format
JAR + Java ARchive file (a compressed file for applets
JAR + and related files-PKZipped) (binary)
JAVA Java source code
JBF Paint Shop Pro image browser file (can delete, is rebuilt)
JFF JPEG file (graphics file) (binary)
JIF JPEG file (graphics file) (binary)
JFIF JPEG file (graphics file) (binary)
JMP SAS JMPDiscovery chart-to-statistics file
JN1 Epic MegaGames Jill of the Jungle data file
JPE JPEG file (binary)
JPEG JPEG compressed bitmap (binary)
JPG JPEG bitmap (graphics) (binary)
JS JavaScript source code (ASCII)
JSP A HTML page containing a reference to a Java servlet (ASCII)
JTF JPEG bitmap (binary)


K25 Kurzweil 2500 sample
KAR Karaoke MIDI file (text+MIDI)
KDC Kodak Photo-Enhancer image file (binary)
KEY DataCAD Icon toolbar file
KFX KoFax Group 4 image (binary)
KIZ Kodak digital postcard files
KKW + Contains all K-keywords in the RoboHELP Help project
KKW + Index Designer not associated with topics
KMP Korg Trinity KeyMaP file
KQP Konica camera native files (binary)
KR1 Kurzweil 2000 sample (multi-floppy)
KRZ Kurzweil 2000 sample
KSF Korg Trinity Sample File
KSM Embroidery machines graphics file - Old (binary)
KYE Kye game data


L Lex source
LBM Deluxe Paint bitmap (graphics) (binary)
LBT M$ FoxPro labels
LBX M$ FoxPro labels
LCF Folio License Collection file
LCS Folio License Update Script
LDB M$ Access lock file
LDL Corel Paradox Delivered library
LEG Legacy document
LES Logitech Entertainment system game profiles (same as REG file)
LFT 3D Studio (DOS) loft file
LHA Alternate file suffix for LZH
LIB Library
LIC ASCII license information file (tgs)
LIN DataCAD Line type file
LIS Output file produced by a Structured Query Reporting (SQR) program
LLX Laplink Exchange Agent
LNK Windows shortcut file
LOG Log file (ASCII)
LPD +Helix Nuts and Bolts file
LPD +Avery LabelPro Design File
LQT Liquid Audio File (binary)
LRC Intel Video Phone file
LSL Corel Paradox Saved library
LSP AutoLISP, CommonLISP, and other LISP language files
LST List file (ASCII)
LU ThoughtWing Library Unit file
LVL Parallax Software's Miner Descent/D2 Level Extension
LWLO Lightwave Layered Object file
LWOB Lightwave Object file
LWP Lotus Wordpro 96/97 file
LWSC Lightwave Scene file
LYR DataCAD Layer file
LZH LH ARC compressed archive (binary)
LZS Skyroads data file


M1V MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg')
M3D Corel Motion 3D animation (binary)
M3U MPEG URL (MIME audio file) audio/x-mpegurl
M3U Playlist file (audio) (binary)
MAT Matlab variables file (binary)
MAC MacPaint image file (binary)
MAD M$ Access module
MAF M$ Access Form
MAG Image file (binary) (Japanese?)
MAGICMagic Mail Monitor configuration file
MAK Visual Basic or MS Visual C++ Project
MAM M$ Access Macro
MAN (UNIX) Manual page output
MAP Map file
MAP Duke Nukem 3D WAD game file (binary)
MAQ M$ Access Query
MAR M$ Access Report
MAS +Master Dictionary file PCWrite
MAS +Lotus Freelance Graphics Smartmaster file (binary)
MAT M$ Access Table
MAUD MAUD sample format
MAX + A file format which represents a scene in
MAX +Paperport file
MAX +OrCAD layout file
MAZ +Hover maze data
MAZ +A file format use by Division's dVS/dVISE
MB1 Apogee Monster Bash data file
MBOX Berkeley (UNIX) mailbox format
MBX +Extension M$ Outlook adds to saved email
MBX +Eudora mailboxes (ASCII)
MCC +Dialer10 calling card
MCC +Monu-Cad Pro CAD file
MCD Monu-Cad Pro CAD file
MCR DataCAD Keyboard macro file
MCW M$ Word for Macintosh document
MDA +M$ Access add-in
MDA +M$ Access workgroup for version 2
MDB M$ Access database
MDE M$ Access MDE file ?????
MDL +Digital Tracker music module (MOD) file
MDL +Quake model file
MDN M$ Access blank database template
MDW M$ Access Workgroup
MDZ M$ Access wizard template
MED Music Editor, OctaMED music module (MOD) file
MER + Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database
MER + data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others
MES aab Music Files
MET Presentation Manager metafile
MGF A file in a Materials and Geometry Format
MHTM MHTML document (MIME)
MI Miscellaneous ?????
MIC M$ Image Composer file
MID MIDI music (binary)
MIDI MIDI music (binary)
MIF Adobe FrameMaker Interchange Format
MIFF + Machine Independent Format File. A multipart file
MIFF + in the Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
MIFF + format; often created as the result of sending e-mail
MIFF + with attachments in AOL.
MIM + The files in a multipart MIM file can be "opened"
MIM + (unarchived and separated into individual files)
MIM + using Winzip or a similar program. (binary)
MIME See MIM. ?????
MIX M$ Picture It! Picture
MLI A file in 3D Studio's Material-Library format.
MLI Encarta Encyclopedia Media List
MME + A multipart file in the Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions
MME + (MIME) format; often created as the result of sending e-mail with
MME + attachments in AOL. The files in a multipart MME file can be
MME + "opened" (unarchived and separated into individual files) using
MME + Winzip or a similar program. (binary)
MMF Meal Master Format, a recipe cataloging format
MMF M$ Mail File
MMM M$ Multimedia Movie
MMP Mindmapor MindManager file (binary)
MMO Audioactive file (audio/x-mpg)
MN2 Descent2 Mission File
MND ?????
MNI Mandelbrot for Windows
MNG Multi-image Network Graphics (binary)
MNT M$ FoxPro menus
MNX M$ FoxPro menus
MOD FastTracker, StarTrekker, Noise Tracker music module file
MOD Protracker music module file
MOD M$ Multiplan spreadsheet
MOD Amiga/PC tracker module
MOD generic text/program module file (tgs) (ASCII)
MOD Eudora 3.0.6 script file
MOV QuickTime for Windows movie
MP1 MPEG Audio Layer 1
MP2 MPEG Audio Layer 2
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 (AC3)
MPA MPEG-related file (MIME type 'mpeg')
MPE MPEG animation file
MPEG MPEG animation file
MPG MPEG animation file
MPP M$ Project file
MPP CAD drawing file format
MPR M$ FoxPro menus (compiled)
MP2 MPEG Audio Layer 2 file (MIME video file)
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 (AC3) file
MRI MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
MSA Magic Shadow Archive (binary)
MSDL Manchesters Scene Description Language
MSG M$ Mail message or message file of some kind
MSN M$ Network document
MSN Descent Mission File
MSP M$ Paint bitmap (binary)
MTM MultiTracker music module file (binary)
MUL Online game called Ultima online
MUS Music (ASCII) ?????
MUS10Mus10 audio
MVB M$ Multimedia Viewer file
MWP Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster file


NAN Nanoscope files (Raw Grayscale)
NAP NAP Metafile Vector image ?????
NCB M$ Developer Studio file
NCD Norton Change Directory
NCF Netware Command File
NCF Lotus Notes internal clipboard
NDO 3D low-polygon modeler, Nendo
NDX ASCII index file (tgs)
NET Network
NFF Neutral File Format
NFL Folio Infobase link
NFO Folio Infobase
NFO ASCII information file (tgs)
NIL Norton Icon Library file (EasyIcons-compatible)
NIST NIST Sphere audio
NLB Oracle 7 data
NLM Netware Loadable Module
NLU Norton Live Update E-Mail Trigger file
NSF Lotus Notes database
NS2 Lotus Notes database (version 2)
NST Noise Tracker music module (MOD) file
NTF Lotus Notes database template
NWC Noteworthy Composer song file
NWS M$ OutlookExpress news message (MIME RFC822)


O01 Typhoon voice file
OBD M$ Office binder template
OBD M$ Office Binder
OBJ Object file
OBZ M$ Office Binder Wizard
OCX M$ Object Linking and Embedding custom control
ODL UNKNOWN (from Autospell list)
ODS M$ Outlook Express mailbox file (?)
OFF 3D mesh Object File Format
OFN M$ Office FileNew file
OFT M$ Outlook template
OKT Oktalyzer music module (MOD) file
OLB OLE Object Library
OLE OLE object
OOGL Object Oriented Graphics Library (binary)
OPL Organizer Programming Language source file - Psion/Symbian
OPO OPL output executable file
OPT M$ Developer Studio file
OPX OPL extension DLL
ORC Oracle 7 script (ASCII)
ORG Lotus Organizer file
OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 file
OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 file
ORA Oracle 7 configuration
OSS M$ Office Search file
OST M$ Exchange/Outlook Offline file
OTL Super NoteTab template file (Fookes)
OVL Program overlay (binary)


P10 Tektronix Plot 10 drawing
P65 Pagemaker 6.5 file
P7C Digital ID file (MIME)
PAB M$ Personal Address Book
PAC SB Studio II package
PAD Portable Application Description (ASCII) fm ACDSee
PAK Quake WAD file (binary)
PAL A compressed file (binary)
PAS Pascal source code (Borland) (ASCII)
PAT +DataCAD Hatch pattern file
PAT +Corel Draw pattern
PAT Advanced Gravis Ultrasound/Forte tech. Patch
PBD PowerBuilder Dynamic library, an alternative to a native DLL
PBF Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File
PBK M$ Phonebook
PBL + PowerBuilder Library used in the PowerBuilder
PBL + development environment
PBM Portable bitmap image file(binary)
PBR PowerBuilder Resource
PCD + Kodak Photo-CD image P-Code compiled test scripts as in
PCD + M$ Tst and M$ Visual Test
PCE Maps Eudora mailbox names to DOS filenames
PCE Eudora signature file (ASCII)
PCL + Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language file
PCL + (printer-ready bitmap) (binary)
PCM Audio file format
PCM OKI MSM6376 synth chip PCM format
PCP Symantec Live Update Pro file
PCS +PICS animation
PCS +Embroidery machines graphics file - Pfaff (binary)
PCT Macintosh Picture file
PCX ZSoft PC Paintbrush bitmap (binary) (picture file)
PDB UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format
PDF Netware Printer Definition File
PDB 3Com Palmpilot database file
PDF Package Definition File from M$ Systems Management Server
PDQ Patton&Patton Flowcharting PDQ Lite file
PEC Embroidery machines graphics file - Brother (binary)
PES Embroidery machines graphics file - Brother Ver 2 (binary)
PF Aladdin Systems Private Files encrypted file
PFA Type 1 font (ASCII)
PFB Type 1 font (binary)
PFC PF Component
PFM Printer Font Metrics
PGL HP Plotter drawing
PGM Portable Graymap Image file (bitmap) (binary)
PGP PGP encrypted file
PH Temporary file generated by M$ Help Compiler
PHTMLPerl-parsed HTML
PIC PC Paint bitmap Image File (binary)
PIC Lotus picture file (binary)
PIC Macintosh PICT drawing (binary)
PICT Mac PICT image file (binary)
PIF Program Information File (Binary/ASCII)
PIF IBM PIF drawing (binary)
PIG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file (binary)
PIN Epic Pinball data file
PIX Inset Systems bitmap (binary)
PJ MKS Source Integrity file
PJX M$'s Visual Foxpro Project
PJT M$'s Visual Foxpro Project
PKG + M$ Developer Studio application extension
PKG + (similar to a DLL file) (binary)
PKR PGP Public Keyring
PL Perl program
PLA Hypertext script file (PERL?) (ASCII)
PLG A file format used by REND386/AVRIL
PLI Oracle 7 data description
PLM DisorderTracker2 module
PLS DisorderTracker2 sample; Playlist file (binary)
PLS MPEG PlayList file (used by WinAmp)
PLS MP3 File
PLT HPGL Plotter drawing (binary)
PLT AutoCAD Plot drawing (binary)
PLT Gerber sign-making software
PM5 Pagemaker 5.0 file
PM6 Pagemaker 6.0 file
PNET Network Project
PNG Portable Network Graphics bitmap (binary)
PNG Paint Shop Pro Browser catalogue
PNM Image file (binary)
PNT MacPaint graphic file (binary)
PNTG Same as PNT file
POG Descent2 PIG file extension
POT M$ PowerPoint Template
POV Persistence of Vision ray-tracer
PP4 Picture Publisher 4 bitmap (binary)
PPA M$ PowerPoint Add-in
PPF Turtle Beach Pinnacle Program File
PPM Portable Pixelmap bitmap image file (binary)
PPP Parson Power Publisher
PPP Serif PagePlus desktop publishing default output
PPS M$ PowerPoint slide show
PPS Paint Shop Pro image
PPT M$ PowerPoint presentation
PRC 3Com Palmpilot resource (text or program) file
PRE Lotus Freelance presentation
PRF Windows system file
PRF Macromedia Director settings file
PRG dBase, Clipper, and FoxPro program source files
PRG WAVmaker program
PRJ Project File (3d Studio - DOS)
PRN Print Table (space delimited text) (ASCII)
PRN DataCAD Windows Printer file
PRO Properties file (Netscape); Profile (????) (ASCII/binary)
PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows presentation (binary)
PRT A print-formatted file
PRV A PsiMail Internet provider template file
PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97 file (binary)
PS Postscript-formatted file (a Postscript printer-ready file)
PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank
PSD Adobe Photoshop bitmap image file (binary)
PSI PSION a-law audio ????? (binary)
PSM Protracker Studio Module format
PSM Sound data for Epic's games
PSP Photo Shop Pro Raster Image
PST M$ Outlook Personal Folder File
PTM Polytracker music module (MOD) file
PUB Ventura Publisher publication
PUB M$ Publisher document
PWD M$ Pocket Word document
PWL Windows 95 password list file
PWP Photoworks image file [film roll]
PWZ M$ PowerPoint Wizard
PXL M$ Pocket Excel spreadsheet
PY +Save emessages from Yahoo
PY +Python source code
PYC Python byte code file


QAD PF QuickArt Document
QBW QuickBooks for Windows file
QCP Qualcomm PureVoice file (binary)
QDT + Quick Books data file from the Quicken UK
QDT + Accountancy/Tax/Invoice eprogram
QD3D Apple's QuickDraw 3D Metafile format
QIC M$ Backup file
QIF QuickTime-related image (MIME)
QIF Quicken Import File
QIZ Question text file (ASCII) (tgs)
QLB Quick Library
QM Quality Motion file
QOT Quotes text file (ASCII) (tgs)
QRY M$ Query
QST Quake Spy Tab file
QT QuickTime Movie (binary)
QTD Parson's Announcements file (binary)
QTI QuickTime-related image (binary)
QTIF QuickTime-related image (binary)
QTM QuickTime Movie (binary)
QTP QuickTime Preferences file
QTS Mac PICT image file (binary)
QTS QuickTime-related image (binary)
QTX QuickTime-related image (binary)
QW Symantec Q&A Write program file
QXD Quark XPress file


R Pegasus Mail resource file
RA RealAudio sound file (binary)
RAM RealAudio metafile
RAR RAR compressed archive (Eugene Roshall's format) (binary)
RAS Sun Rasterfile bitmap image file (binary)
RAW +Raw File Format (bitmap) (binary)
RAW +Template file for MemoryMate (binary)
RAW +Raw signed PCM data
RBH + Maintained by RoboHELP, the RBH file adds to
RBH + the information contained in the Help project file
RDF Resource Description Framework file (related to XML and metadata)
RDL Descent Registered Level
REC Recorder macro
REC RapidComm voice file (binary)
REG Registration/Registry file ?????
RES M$ Visual C++ Resource
RFT + Revisable Form Text (part of IBM's DCA or
RFT + Document Content Architecture)
RGB Silicon Graphics RGB files ???? (binary)
RIF unknown
RLE Run-Length Encoded bitmap (binary)
RL2 Descent2 Registered Level
RM RealAudio video file (binary)
RMD M$ RegMaid document
RME ASCII Readme file (tgs)
RMF Rich Map Format (used by 3-D game editors to store a map)
RMI MIDI music sequence (binary)
RMJ RealJukebox file (binary)
RMX RealJukebox file (binary)
ROV Rescue Rover data file
RPM RedHat Package Manager package (for Linux)
RPT M$ Visual Basic Crystal Reports file
RRS save file for the ace game Road Rash
RSL Borderland's Paradox 7 reports
RTF Rich Text Format document
RTM Real Tracker music module (MOD) file
RTK Used by RoboHELP to simulate the search feature of Windows help
RTS +RealAudio's RTSL document
RTS +RoboHELP to speed complex operations
RTS +Remode Ridicule Sound File (Apogee)
RUL Extension used in InstallShield
RVP M$ Scan Configuration file (MIME)
RXX + RAR compressed files from a multi-volume archive
RXX + (XX = a number from 01 to 99) (binary)


S Assembler source code
S3I Scream Tracker v3 instrument
S3M Sound module file for ScreamTracker v3
SAM +Ami Professional document
SAM +Signed 8bit sample data
SAV Saved game file
SB Raw Signed Byte (8bit) data
SBK + Creative Labs Soundfont 1.0 Bank file
SBK + (Soundblaster)/EMU SoundFont v1.x Bank files
SBL Shockwave Flash object
SC2 +M$ Schedule+ 7 file format
SC2 +SAS catalog (Windows 95/NT, OS/2, Mac)
SCC M$ Source Safe file
SCD +Matrix/Imapro SCODL slide image
SCD +M$ Schedule+ 7
SCF Windows Explorer command file
SCH M$ Schedule+ 1
SCI ScanVec Inspire Native file format
SCN trueSpace2 scene
SCP Dial-Up Networking Script (ASCII)
SCR +Windows screensaver (binary) (Executable!)
SCR +Fax image (binary)
SCT +SAS catalog (DOS) ?????
SCT +Scitex CT bitmap (binary)
SCT +M$ FoxPro forms
SCT01SAS catalog ((UNIX)) ?????
SCV ScanVec CASmate Native file format
SCX M$ FoxPro forms
SD Sound Designer I audio (binary)
SD2 +Sound Designer 2 flattened file/data fork
SD2 +SAS database (Windows 95/NT OS/2, Mac)
SDF System Data File Format - legacy Unisys (Sperry) format
SDK Roland S-series floppy disk image
SDL SmartDraw library (binary)
SDR SmartDraw drawing (binary)
SDS Raw Midi Sample Dump Standard file
SDT SmartDraw template
SDV Semicolon Divided Values file
SDW +Lotus WordPro graphic file (binary)
SDW +Raw Signed DWord (32bit) data
SDW +Folio Shadow file
SDX Midi Sample Dump Standard files compacted by SDX
SEA + Self-expanding archive (used by Stuffit for Mac
SEA + files and possibly by others) (binary)
SEP Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap (binary)
SES Cood Edit Session file (common digital audio editor file )
SET File set for M$ backup
SEW Embroidery machines graphics file - Janome (binary)
SF IRCAM SoundFile format
SF2 Emu SoundFont v2.0 file (binary)
SFD SoundStage Sound File Data (binary)
SFI SoundStage Sound File Info (binary)
SFL Soft fonts file (binary)
SFP Soft fonts file (binary)
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource
SFW Seattle Film Works (Mangled JPEG) (binary)
SFX RAR self-extracting archive (binary)
SF2 Creative Labs Soundfont 2.0 Bank file (Soundblaster)
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language (ASCII)
SHB Corel Show presentation
SHB Document shortcut file
SHG Hotspot bitmap (binary)
SHP 3D Studio (DOS) shapes file (binary)
SHP + File format used by some programs for 3D
SHP + modeling of multipart interactive triangle models
SHS Shell scrap file
SHW Corel Show presentation
SIG Signature file
SHTMLHTML file containing Server Side Includes (SSI)
SIT Stuffit archive of Mac files (binary)
SIZ Oracle 7 configuration
SKA PGP secret Keyring
SKD Autosketch Drawing Base (binary)
SKL Macromedia Director resource file
SL PACT's Save Layout extension
SLB AutoDesk Slide Library File Format
SLD AutoDesk Slide File Format
SLK Symbolic Link (SYLK) spreadsheet
SM3 DataCAD Symbol file
SMP Samplevision format
SMP Ad Lib Gold Sample
SND +NeXT sound
SND +Mac Sound Resource
SND +Raw unsigned PCM data ?????
SND +AKAI MPC-series sample
SNDR Sounder sound file
SNDT Sndtool sound file
SOU SB Studio II sound
SPD Speach Data file
SPL +Shockwave Flash Object
SPL +Digitracker Sample
SPP UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
SQC Structured Query Language (SQR) common code file
SQL +Informix SQL queries
SQL + Generally used by database products as an extension
SQL + for SQL queries (scripts, text, or binary)
SQR Structured Query Language program file
SRT alpha sorted text file (tgs) (ASCII)
SSD01SAS data sets ((UNIX))
SSD SAS database (DOS)
SSI Server Side Include ?????
STF Unknown (ASCII) ?????
STM + Shorter suffix for .shtml, an HTML file containing
STM + a Server Side Include (SSI)
STM +Scream Tracker v2 music module file
ST Atari ST disk image
STR Screensaver extension (binary) ?????
STY Ventura Publisher style sheet
SVX Amiga 8SVX sound
SVX Interchange file format, 8SVX/16SV
SW Raw signed Word (16bit) data
SWA Shockwave audio file in Macromedia Director (an MP3 file)
SWF Shockwave Flash object
SWP DataCAD Swap file
SYS System file
SYW Yamaha SY-series wave files ?????


TAB Guitar Tablature file
TAR Tape Archive (binary)
TAZ (UNIX) Gzip/Tape Archive (binary)
TBK Asymetrix Toolbook interactive multimedia files
TCL Script in the TCL/TK Language ?????
TDB Thumbs Plus database
TDDD A file format use by the Imagine & Turbo Silver ray-tracers
TEX Texture file
TGA Targa bitmap (binary)
TGS Personal file, eg, Tom Stewart's File (ASCII) (tgs)
TGZ (UNIX) Gzip/Tape Archive (binary)
THEMEWindows 95 Desktop Theme
THN Graphics Workshop for Windows thumbnail (binary)
TIB UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
TIF Tagged Image File Format bitmap (binary)
TIFF Tagged Image File Format bitmap (binary)
TIG Tiger file, used by US government to distribute maps
TLB OLE Type Library
TLE Two-Line Element set (NASA)
TMP Windows temporary file
TOC Table of contents of Eudora mailboxes
TOL Kodak photoenhancer
TOS The Operating System for Atari 16/32 and 32/32 computers
TPL CakeWalk Audio Template file
TPL DataCAD Template file
TPP Teleport Pro Project
TRK Kermit script file
TRM Terminal file
TRN MKS Source Integrity project usage log
TSK UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
TTF TrueType font (binary)
TTK Corel Catalyst Translation Tool Kit
TWF TabWorks file
TWW Tagwrite Template
TXB Descent/D2 Encoded Briefing File
TXT ASCII text-formatted audio data ?????
TXT In most cases, and ASCII text file (tgs) (ASCII)
TXW Yamaha TX16W wave files ?????
TZ Old compression format file (binary)
TZD Time Zone Data (ASCII) (Netscape)
T2T Sonata CAD modeling software file


UB Raw unsigned byte (8-bit) data
UDF Windows NT Uniqueness Database File
UDW Raw unsigned doubleword (32-bit) data
ULAW US telephony format (CCITT G.711) audio
ULT Ultratracker music module (MOD) file
UNI MikMod UniMod formatted file
URL Internet shortcut file
USE MKS Source Integrity file
UU UU-encoded file
UUE UU-encoded file
UW Raw unsigned word (16-bit) data
UWF UltraTracker Wave file


V8 Covox 8-bit audio file
VAP Annotated speech
VBA VBase file
VBP Visual Basic Project
VBS Visual Basic Script (Executable Script)
VBW M$ Visual Basic workspace
VBX Visual Basic custom control
VCE + Natural MicroSystems (NMS) unformatted voice file
VCE + (used by Cool Edit)
VCF Virtual card file (Netscape)
VCF + Vevi configuration file; defines objects for use
VCF + with Sense8's WorldToolKit
VCT M$ FoxPro class library
VCX M$ FoxPro class library
VDA Targa bitmap (binary)
VI + Virtual Instrument file from National Instruments
VI + LABView product
VIFF Khoros Visualization format
VIR + File identified as a virus-infected file by
VIR + Norton AntiVirus and possibly others
VIV VivoActive Player streaming video file
VIZ Division's dVS/dVISE file
VLB Corel Ventura Library
VMF FaxWorks audio file
VOC Creative Labs, Sound Blaster audio file
VOX Dialogic audio file coded using ADPCM
VOX Natural MicroSystems (NMS) formatted voice file
VOX Talking Technology audio file
VP Ventura Publisher publication
VQE Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator file
VQF Yamaha Sound-VQ file (possible emerging standard)
VQL Yamaha Sound-VQ Locator file
VRF Oracle 7 configuration
VRML A Virtual Reality Modeling Language file
VSD Visio drawing (flow chart or schematic)
VSL Download List file (GetRight)
VSS Visio Stencil file
VST Targa bitmap (binary)
VSW Visio Workspace file
VXD M$ Windows virtual device driver


WAB M$ Outlook Address Book file
WAD + Large binary file for Doom game containing
WAD + video, player level, and other information
WAV Windows Waveform sound
WB1 QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WB2 QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WBK M$ Word Backup Document
WBL Argo WebLoad II upload file
WBR Crick Software WordBar File
WBT Crick Software Wordbar Template
WCM WordPerfect Macro
WCM M$ Works 4.0 Communication file
WDB M$ Works 4.0 database
WEB CorelXara Web document
WFB Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank (Maui/Rio/Monterey)
WFD Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum set (Maui/Rio/Monterey)
WFN symbols for use in Corel Draw
WFP Turtle Beach WaveFront Program (Maui/Rio/Monterey)
WGP Wild Board Games data file
WGT M$ NetMeeting Whiteboard
WID Ventura width table
WIL WinImage file
WIZ M$ Word Wizard
WK1 Lotus 123 versions 1 & 2 spreadsheet
WK3 Lotus 123 version 3 spreadsheet
WK4 Lotus 123 version 4 spreadsheet
WKS Lotus 123 Worksheet spreadsheet
WKS M$ Works 4.0 Sheet or Chart
WLF Argo WebLoad I upload file
WLL M$ Word Add-In
WMF Windows Metafile image file (binary)
WOW Grave Composer music module (MOD) file
WP WordPerfect document
WPW Novel PerfectWorks document
WP4 WordPerfect 4 document
WP5 WordPerfect 5 document
WP6 WordPerfect 6 document
WPC UNKNOWN (binary)
WPD +UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
WPD +WordPerfect Demo
WPD +WordPerfect 6.0/7.0 Document
WPG WordPerfect Graphic file (bitmap or vector) (binary)
WPS M$ Works document
WPT WordPerfect Template
WQ1 QuattroPro/DOS spreadsheet
WQ2 QuattroPro/DOS version 5 spreadsheet
WR1 Lotus Symphony
WRI Write document
WRK Cakewalk music audio project file
WRL Virtual Reality model
WRZ Another VRML fileject ?????
WS1 WordStar for Windows 1 document
WS2 WordStar for Windows 2 document
WS3 WordStar for Windows 3 document
WS4 WordStar for Windows 4 document
WS5 WordStar for Windows 5 document
WS6 WordStar for Windows 6 document
WS7 WordStar for Windows 7 document
WSD WordStar 2000 document
WSE UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
WTA UNKNOWN (from Autospell)
WVL Wavelet Compressed Bitmap (binary)
WWL M$ Word add-in file


X AVS image format
XAR Corel Xara drawing
XBM A MIME 'xbitmap' image file (binary)
XI Instrument sample file for ScreamTracker
XIF Wang imaging file (comes with Windows 95)
XLA M$ Excel add-in
XLB M$ Excel toolbar
XLC M$ Excel chart
XLD M$ Excel dialogue
XLK M$ Excel backup
XLL M$ Excel add-in file
XLM M$ Excel macro
XLS M$ Excel worksheet
XLT M$ Excel template
XLV M$ Excel VBA module
XLW M$ Excel workbook / workspace
XM FastTracker 2, Digital Tracker music module file
XM eXtended module (audio) (binary)
XML ASCII data file fm ACDSee
XNK M$ Exchange shortcut file
XPM X BitMap format image file (binary)
XR1 Epic MegaGames Xargon data file
XTP XTree data file
XWD X Window Dump format
XWF Yamaha XG Works file (MIDI sequencing)
XXX +Embroidery machines graphics file - Compucon/Singer (binary)
XXX +ASCII letter template file (tgs)
XY3 XYWrite III document
XY4 XYWrite IV document
XYP XYWrite III Plus document
XYW XYWrite for Windows 4.0 document
X16 Macromedia Extra (program extension), 16 bit
X32 Macromedia Extra (program extension), 32 bit


Y YACC source
YAL Arts & Letters clipart library
YBK M$ Encarta Yearbook


Z (UNIX) Gzip compressed archive (binary)
ZIP Zip file Compressed archive (binary)
ZOO An early compressed file format (binary)


„Ratschläge sind wie abgetragene Kleider:
Man benützt sie ungern, auch wenn sie passen”
